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Intro to Soul Care

Intro to Soul Care Seminar

This will be a 2-day seminar that goes from 9:30-4 each day.


“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

This verse speaks to a powerful truth in the life of a Christian, but one that can seem elusive in certain seasons of our lives. Sometimes we do not feel the kinship, support, and love of Christ as well as we once did. And sometimes, it feels like the river of living water flowing out of us is more like a trickle. What do we do in those times? Is there something wrong with us? What do we need to change in order to experience that living water again?

Soul Care @Shalom House will be hosting another “Introduction to Soul Care Seminar”, where we will address questions like this from a biblical perspective, seen through the lens of thousands of years of church history and our own personal experience. Amidst the seminar portions are interspersed times of quiet, reflection, prayer, and celebration, making this part seminar and part retreat.

If you are tired, weary, overburdened, or just wanting to take a peak at what God might be offering you on your journey with Him, consider joining us as we explore what it means to let Christ care for your soul.

COST: 10,000円 (scholarships available)

March 12-13 10:00-4:00

Shalom House: and Arts and Community Center

1-40 Takiyama, Higashi Kurume

Tokyo, 203-0033

「渇いている者はだれでも、わたしのところに来て、飲みなさい。信じる者は、聖書が述べているとおり、その人の内から命の水の川が流れ出るようになる。」(ヨハネによる福音書 7:37-38)


 この聖句は、クリスチャンにとって力強い真理を語っていますが、人生のある時期にはつかみどころのないものにも思えます。キリストとの親しみ、支え、愛を以前ほど感じられないこともあります。また、自分の中から流れ出る命の水の川が、せせらぎのように細く感じられることもあります。そのような時、私たちはどのようにすればよいのでしょうか? 私たちに何か問題があるのでしょうか? 生ける水再び体験するためには、何を変化させる必要があるのでしょうか?



費用: 10,000円(奨学金あり - お問い合わせください) 3月12日-13日、9:30-4:00

シャロムハウス:アートとコミュニティセンター 203-0033東京都東久留米市滝山 1-40


February 22

1/2 Day Online Retreat